Help Articles Troubleshooting Setting Up WiFi Network Connection: WiFi Module Light Blinking Green But Not Connecting

Topic(s): TroubleshootingLED Blinking Lights

Setting Up WiFi Network Connection: WiFi Module Light Blinking Green But Not Connecting

During setup the Rain Bird app is designed to check that your WiFi module is successfully connected to your selected WiFi network by connecting your mobile device to the same network.  It is possible that your mobile device automatically reconnected to a different WiFi network than the Rain Bird controller. Try the following:

  1. When receiving a ‘setup unsuccessful’ message, check to ensure your mobile device is connected to the same local WiFi network as your WiFi module and click “Retry”.
  2. Restart the setup process by pressing the button on your WiFi module (flashes red and green) and go through the process again, this time ensuring that your mobile device reconnects to the same WiFi network.

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