RC2 Controller

compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is…

ARC8 Controller

compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is…

The Rain Bird App and Enabled Locations Services

…mode should be used. Here are the three ways a Rain Bird WiFi controller communicates: https://wifi.rainbird.com/articles/rain-bird-wifi-controller-communication-methods/ This article has step by step instructions on enabling location services in Android: https://wifi.rainbird.com/articles/connected-no-internet-android-9-fix/…

Enabling Android Location Services

To connect to the Rain Bird LNK WiFi network during the setup process on a device running Android 9, the ‘Location’ permission must first be granted in the Rain Bird…

Power Outage and Controller Scheduling

…stops watering and the remaining time on that watering session is cancelled. Once the power turns back on the controller will resume scheduled watering as before. There is also a…

ST8 Not Running, Stop/OFF icon on the screen

…the controller. Press the “Auto” button to resume automatically scheduled irrigation. It is in Rain Delay mode. This mode will have a number on the screen as well. This is…

Rain Bird WiFi Controller Connected at Home But Not When Away

…make sure the router is assigning a channel between 1-11 to the Rain Bird WiFi controller. Additional articles available on some of these topics are linked below: https://wifi.rainbird.com/articles/why-wont-my-rain-bird-controller-stay-connected-to-my-wifi-network/ https://wifi.rainbird.com/articles/rain-bird-wifi-controller-communication-methods/ https://wifi.rainbird.com/articles/what-do-the-various-led-light-sequences-on-the-lnk-wifi-module-represent/…

Rain Birdยฎ RC2 Controller – Guest Mode

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD6EnpyGDUs A contractor will inevitably arrive to make a change, perform maintenance, or do an inspection – only to find out they don’t have controller access. Guest mode provides temporary…