Topic(s): Rain Bird 1.0 App
How to Use Manual Watering in the Rain Bird 1.0 App
There are a few ways to turn on your sprinklers when they are not scheduled to run, called “manual” watering.
1. You can get to the manual water screen by selecting the “water drop” icon on the controller card in the Rain Bird App home screen, or by pressing the controller card and then pressing on the water drop icon at the bottom of the screen.

2. Different controller models have different manual watering screen options. Some are like the image on the below left where only one zone can be scheduled at a time. Some of the newer models are like the screen on the below right where there are 3 options for manual watering, a “Quick Run” where all zones will run the same scheduled time in sequence, a “Program Run”, where you can run all the zones the scheduled time for that program, or “Custom Watering”, where you can set any combination of time for different zones and press the start button at the bottom of the screen.

3. There is one other way to start manual watering on controllers with programs, press the down arrow below the program card and select “Run”. You can use the “Skip Next” to move to the next zone in the watering program. Once all the zones have runt the watering will stop.

If you are looking to start manual watering on the controller itself, refer to the article below and click on the link for your controller model.
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