Do I Need WiFi To Use This Product

Do I need WiFi in my home or business to use the Rain Bird LNK WiFi Module?

You do not need WiFi in your home or business to use the Rain Bird LNK WiFi Module. However, you will not be able to use some of the product features without WiFi access, such as notifications, weather data, or daily Automatic Seasonal Adjustments. You will only be able to connect to the controller to make schedule and settings changes to the controller or operate your system manually from the Rain Bird mobile app in Hotspot mode.

What is Hotspot Mode?

Hotspot Mode is a simple remote access mode to your controller with the Rain Bird mobile app. To use this product in Hotspot Mode without programming the LNK WiFi Module to a local WiFi network, complete the following steps:

1. Press the button on the LNK WiFi Module and observe the LED flashing pattern alternating Red and Green.

2. Open your mobile device’s WiFi connection menu and connect to the Rain Bird network.

3. Open the Rain Bird mobile app and connect to your controller. If you have not setup a controller, please refer to the “Quick Start” topic of this FAQ or to the Quick Start guide included with the product.

Error Messages

Controller is Busy

If you receive this message when attempting to connect to the controller, this means another smart device is currently accessing the device.  Only one mobile device can connect remotely to the controller at a time.

Manual Time Out

Establishing communication to the controller timed out.  It attempted to connect to the controller; however, the controller did not respond within an expected amount of time.  Try again, as in most cases, congested network connections can cause this to occur.

Controller Mismatch

This error will be displayed if the LNK WiFi  Module has been moved from one controller model type (e.g. ESP-ME) to a different model type (e.g. ESP-TM2) and you are trying to communicate with the new controller type using the previous controller card (linked to prior model) in the mobile app.

If you move the LNK WiFi Module to a new controller type, you will need to delete the controller card linked to the first controller type and then go through the setup process again to associate the LNK WiFi Module with the new controller type.

Lock Out

The encrypted password in the Rain Bird mobile app for this controller does not match the encrypted password in the LNK WiFi Module and the user attempted to connect with the wrong password more than 3 times.  This locks out the controller from being accessed remotely for 15 minutes.

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How To Use

Can I stop an active watering cycle using the app?

Stop a manual program cycle: After initiating a manual program cycle from the Home screen, you can press the “Skip Next” button (appears green when program is active) under the Program that is running until all zones are skipped.  The “Skip Next” button then turns grey indicating that the watering cycle is stopped.

Stop an automatic program cycle: After the automatic program has started, select the controller that is running from the main menu.  Scroll to the program that is running, and select the “Skip Next” button until all zones in the program are skipped.  The “Skip Next” button turns grey indicating that the watering cycle is stopped.

Stop a manual zone cycle: Select the water drop icon at the bottom of the home screen to enter the Manual Zone screen.  Any zone on the controller can be manually stopped or started using the “Start” and “Stop” buttons at the bottom of the Manual Zone screen.

How do I activate my sprinklers manually?

There are two active methods that you can use to activate your sprinklers manually.
1. You can manually run a zone by selecting the “water drop” icon on the controller card present in the Rain Bird App home screen
2. You can manually run each program or zone by accessing the controller card and selecting which program or zone you would like to run manually by expanding that program or zone card and selecting “Run”.

How do I program my controller with the Rain Bird App?

Once the Rain Bird App is able to communicate with the LNK WiFi Module a “Controller Card” will appear in the application that resembles your controller.

You will need to “tap” on the controller card in order to access the programming settings for the controller. Tap the pencil icons on the respective programs or zones to edit your controller’s irrigation schedules.

How does the seasonal weather adjustment work?

The seasonal adjustment takes into account several factors when determining the daily seasonal adjustment value including:

  1. Historical weather trends
  2. The previous day’s forecasted weather versus actual weather (temperature, rainfall, wind)
  3. Tomorrow’s forecasted weather

For seasonal adjustments to work effectively, set your programmed watering schedule should be set for the hottest month of the year. When temperatures, humidity, and wind values exceed what is typical, the seasonal adjustment value can exceed 100% (0% for ST8-WIFI, ESP-RZXe). When these values are below normal and for cooler months, the adjustment value can be below 100% (below 0% for ST8-WIFI, ESP-RZXe).

Can I have more than one device connected via the Rain Bird app to my controller at the same time?

No.  In order to avoid programming conflicts, only one connection is allowed at a time.  Once a user exits the app, it may take a minute before another user can access it.   If you exit the controller by selecting the back button from the controller main menu, another user can log into the controller immediately.

What happens if I leave the app open?

If a user leaves an app open, the App will disconnect from the controller after several minutes.  Reconnection can be established by selecting the controller from the primary screen.

How can I allow my irrigation contractors access to my controller via their app for service?

Simply click on the envelope icon to send a temporary or permanent access invitation.  If you’d like your contractor to help configure protected controller or network settings, you’ll need to share the controller password with them.

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Can I install this product on my own or do I need a professional contractor?

A home or business owner can install this device with little to no assistance. If you find you need assistance then please call Rain Bird Technical Support at 1-800-RAINBIRD (724-6247) and we can walk you through any issues that you are experiencing.

How easy is it to install the LNK WiFi Module?

The Rain Bird mobile application is intuitive and provides a menu driven approach to install the Rain Bird LNK WiFi Module. If you experience any issues during installation then contact Rian Bird Technical Support at 1-800-RAINBIRD (724-6247).

What is the “Rain Bird” network name that is viewable as an available network from my device?

The RainbirdXXXXX network is the internal WiFi Access Point (Hotspot) for the LNK WiFi Module.

This connection method can be used either for initial setup or simple remote access to a controller. This method will allow for simple remote access to operate your system or make changes to the system schedule, but will not allow access of features such as notifications, weather data, or daily Automatic Seasonal Adjustments.

What do the various LED light sequences on the LNK WiFi Module represent?

Sequence: Solid Red followed by three rapid Green flashes
Action: Module is booting up and has successfully authenticated with the Rain Bird controller

Sequence: Alternating Red and Green flashing
Action: Module is powered ON and broadcasting its WiFi Access Point (Hotspot)

Sequence: Red flashing
Action: Module is powered ON but is not connected to a local WiFi network

Sequence: Red flashing followed by five rapid Green flashes
Action: Module has successfully connected to a local WiFi network

Sequence: Green flashing
Action: Module is powered on and is connected to a local WiFi network

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Internet Service Provider

What happens if I change my internet service provider?

If you change your Internet Service Provider, you should not see a change in your ability to manage your controller from within or from outside of your home WiFi network, as long as your router settings have not changed.

**This does not apply to Satellite Internet Providers at this time. If you decide to use a Satellite Internet Provider then you could potentially lose access to your controller from outside of your home WiFi network.

Will my LNK WiFi Module ever need to be re-programmed for any reason?

If you perform a simple router upgrade or change your Internet Service Provider you may need to re-program your Rain Bird LNK Wi-Fi Module. (See “Change Router” or “Change Internet Service Provider”)

How do I update my WiFi name and password after I change my router?

Your app and LNK WiFi Module have to be connected in Hotspot mode. (see Hotspot Mode FAQ)

Tap on the controller card, then tap on the settings icon in the bottom right corner. Tap on Network settings. The WiFi Name (SSID) and password can be reset here. Be sure to tap “Done” when complete.

Is the LNK WiFi Module compatible with Satellite-based ISPs?

No – Because of the way satellite modems are configured, the LNK WiFi Module is not compatible.

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How do I enable notifications?

Be sure that you have Allowed Notifications for the Rain Bird App from your smart devices’ Settings -> Notifications menu.

Android: To enable notifications, first go to the Rain Bird mobile App’s settings (upper left hand corner gear icon).  Inside the app settings enable global Notifications.  Next, navigate into the controller card.  Once connected, select Settings icon on the bottom right corner.  Expand the Notifications selector and enable each notification that you would like to receive for this controller.

iOS: Navigate into the controller card.  Once connected, select Settings icon on the bottom right corner.  Expand the Notifications selector and enable each notification that you would like to receive for this controller.

What do the notifications mean?

WiFi Stick Reboot – A notification will be sent if the controller loses power or if the WiFi Module resets.

Date/Time Error – A notification will be sent if the controller’s date and time seems to be incorrect.

Shorted Solenoid Detected – A notification will be sent if the controller is capable of sensing a shorted solenoid on a connected valve.

Controller Experienced WiFi Disconnection – A notification will be sent if the controller has been properly connected to a WiFi router and experiences disconnection. The notification will also indicate whether the WiFi signal strength is strong or weak. If the signal strength is weak this typically indicates the controller is at the edge of the WiFi range of the home’s WiFi router’s range.

System Access AP Mode via Local Button Push – A notification will be sent if the WiFi Module has been accessed in AP/Hotspot mode locally at the controller.

Delay Watering Enabled – A notification will be sent if any user enables delay watering feature. The notification will indicate how many days the system will not water before continuing regularly scheduled watering times.

Automatic Seasonal Adjust Applied – A notification will be sent if the controller receives an updated seasonal adjust value from the Rain Bird server based upon programmed ZIP code’s weather changes

Freeze Warning – A notification will be sent if the server indicates low temperature of the day is below 35 degrees Fahrenheit.

Irrigation Event Complete – A notification will be sent when any irrigation event completes. The notification will include the number of minutes of irrigation as well as the date and time the event completed.

Product Questions

What does the Rain Bird App do?

The LNK WiFi Module and Rain Bird App provides a wireless alternative to manage your irrigation controller and irrigation functions from your mobile device using your own home network. Once the device is connected then you will be able to perform all of the functions from the Rain Bird App that you would normally perform at the controller. The App currently works with Rain Bird controllers (ESP-TM2, ESP-Me (dated November 2016 and later), ESP-RZXe, and ST8-WIFI with the LNK WiFi Module installed.

What happens if this product breaks or fails to operate?

If the product breaks or fails to operate for any reason do not attempt to repair on your own. Contact your authorized Rain Bird irrigation products distributor or contact Rain Bird Technical Support at 1-800-RAINBIRD (724-6247) for support.

Is there a built in back-up schedule for this product?

All Rain Bird controllers contain a non-volatile internal memory. The controller’s schedule, whether programmed at the controller or via the Rain Bird mobile app, is stored in the controller’s non-volatile memory in the case of a power outage or unexpected controller reset.

How many zones can I connect to and manage using the Rain Bird mobile app for Android or Apple mobile devices?

The Rain Bird mobile app is capable of managing and monitoring all available zones that are currently available in your existing controller. The Rain Bird Mobile app is also capable of managing multiple controllers at different locations from the same app.

ESP-TM2: maximum of 12 zones available, depending on model

ESP-Me: maximum of 22 zones available

Does this product support a combination of turf, low-volume drip, vegetable garden zones, etc.?

Yes, this product can support any combination of zones configured for specific irrigation use. This product is not compatible with landscape lighting zones at this time.

Can I use a rain sensor with my controller?

Yes.  All Rain Bird controllers have terminals for a rain sensor. Remove the yellow jumper wire from the terminals marked “SENS”.  Connect both rain sensor wires to the rain sensor terminals per the rain sensor manufacturer’s instructions.

Why did my controller water after we had a big rainstorm if I have a rain sensor connected?

Your rain sensor may not be working for the following reasons:

  1. Your rain sensor may be in an area where it is not exposed to the rain AND/OR
  2. Make sure the rain sensor is set to Active (not Bypass) in the Rain Bird Mobile App.

Will my App and controller ever be out of sync?

Each time a mobile device communicates with a Rain Bird controller, the mobile application will query the timer for all of its most up to date settings and display those in the mobile application. When the app is closed by pressing “Done” any changes made in the app are saved to the controller.  If changes are made at the controller while the mobile application is open, the next time the app is opened the controller changes will be reflected in the app.

Can I connect to my Rain Bird WiFi controller through an Ethernet cable?

This controller is only capable of connecting to a local area network via WiFi.

Is it possible for me to access my controller through a desktop computer?

No. At this time, Rain Bird LNK WiFi-enabled controllers can only be accessed via the controller’s front panel and via the Rain Bird mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

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What does Automatic Seasonal Adjust do?

Automatic Seasonal Adjust allows the Rain Bird server to keep track of local weather based upon the programmed ZIP/Postal Code. The Rain Bird server will calculate a daily Evapotranspiration (ET) rate for each ZIP code and translate to an appropriate seasonal adjust value. The seasonal adjust value is then sent to each timer in that ZIP code. This is done every day to ensure the watering duration is increased or reduced as local weather changes. It is important that if you use this feature that the watering schedule is based upon the hottest/driest time of year.

Do I have to use the Rain Bird app to program the controller?

If you don’t have your mobile device handy, or your hands are dirty and you don’t want to use, it you can always program the controller via the timer’s front panel.

Why does my controller run through all my zones, stop, and then start all over again?

The reason why the controller is running again is because you have additional start times scheduled close to the first start time. Double check all of your start times and run times. If you have run times that amount to more watering time than the time between the start times, the watering program may begin again immediately after finishing.

Why is my controller not watering the run times I set the zones for?

Example: I set it for 10 minutes per station, and its watering 5 minutes per station instead.

This could be due to the Seasonal Adjust setting. Double check the setting in the Rain Bird Mobile App or at the controller. If the seasonal adjust is set for -50% when the run time is 10 minutes, it will only water 5 minutes per zone.

Why does my controller still water even after turning it off?

If your controller is off and the water keeps running there is an issue with 1 or all the valves. When this happens it may be necessary to clean or replace a valve, or to call a contractor. For assistance in getting a contractor referral, please call: 1-800-RainBird.

I want to remove a controller from my app. When I click on the Delete (trash can) icon the timer card will not be removed. How can I fix this?

Make sure the mobile device is not connected to a different Rain Bird controller in hot spot mode. If it is, disconnect and try to delete the other controller. This should resolve the issue.

How do I program my controller with the Rain Bird mobile app?

Once the controller is added to the Rain Bird mobile app a “Controller Card” will appear on the mobile app home screen. Tap on the picture of the controller model within this card to access the controller. Tap the “pencil” icon within the controller’s existing program card(s) to edit existing irrigation programs. Tap the “+/- PGM” icon on the bottom left of the screen to create a new irrigation program.

Please view our Basic Features video for further instruction.

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Router Compatibility

Which routers are the LNK WiFi Module compatible with?

The LNK WiFi module works with any 802.11 b/g/n wireless router networks using 2.4GHz wireless frequency bands.  (5.0 GHz is not supported)

Security protocols supported include Open, WEP, WPA-TKIP, WPA-AES, WPA2-TKIP, WPA2-AES, WPA2-AES-TKIP.

LNK WiFi is not compatible with satellite internet service providers.

How do I know if the network I am trying to program the LNK WiFi Module to is a 2.4 GHz WiFi network?

When selecting an available network during controller setup in the Rain Bird mobile app, only 2.4 GHz networks that are within range of the controller will be available networks to select from.


Where is my WiFi network information stored?

Your personal WiFi credentials are only stored within the Rain Bird LNK WiFi Module so that it can connect to your network.

The credentials in the Rain Bird app are masked with “***” for your security. These are “read-only”. If you attempt to backspace a character on the WiFi password, the entire masked password is erased.

What is the “Controller Password” and what is it used for?

This password can be changed at any time for the controller while connected in Hotspot mode. The Controller Password provides security for accessing the controller from the Rain Bird App. The security extends out to the controller on your personal device or if you have shared controller timer to any other user, such as your landscaper or irrigation contractor.

Where is my WiFi network id and network password stored? Is it secure?

Your WiFi network credentials are securely stored on the Rain Bird LNK WiFi Module, and cannot be accessed remotely by Rain Bird.

What kind of data does this product send to Rain Bird?

This product does not collect personally identifiable information. This product does collect key pieces information that will allow it to function correctly:
1. Perform firmware updates on the device through event logs performed by the LNK WiFi Module.
2. Provide weather information to your controller by ZIP code for use in weather monitoring and the water-saving automatic seasonal adjustment feature.
3. Check that a reliable internet connection is established
4. Provide a connection from your Rain Bird App to your local irrigation controller via the internet from anywhere in the world.

What is the maximum character length permitted in the mobile app for a WiFi (WPA2) password?

iOS maximum is 32 characters.

Android maximum is 64 characters.

There are no character restrictions pertaining to the WiFi password that is entered.

Are there any special character restrictions for the controller password field?

The controller password is currently restricted to alpha numeric characters.

What items are password protected?

Setup of Smart Home, Controller Information Settings, and Access Invitations are password protected.

I forgot my controller password. How do I change it?

Follow these steps to reset your controller password.
1. Press the button on LNK WiFi Module in the controller to activate AP Hotspot mode.
2. From your smart device, go to WiFi settings and connect to the Rain Bird network “RAINBIRDXXX”. Wait for your device to establish a WiFi connection with the LNK WiFi Module.
3. From the Rain Bird App, select the controller you are attempting to change passwords on.
4. Click the settings icon on the bottom right corner of the controller screen.
5. Go to Controller Info section and enter a new password.
6. Go to Network Settings and reconnect your controller to your local WiFi network.
7. Select Done at the top of the screen.

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Set-up Questions

What mobile devices does the LNK WiFi Module work with?

Apple iOS version 8 or greater, Android devices 4.4 (KitKat) or later.

What wireless networks does the LNK WiFi Module work with?

2.4 GHz 802.11b/g/n channels. Does not support 5 GHz networks.

How do I set up my new LNK WiFi Module product and mobile app?

  1. Insert LNK WiFi Module into the Accessory Port on compatible controller models.
  2. Verify LNK WiFi Module is alternating blinking red and green. If it is not, press the button on the WiFi module for 1 second.
  3. Launch the Rain Bird app and press the Add Controller button. Follow app prompts to set up WiFi connection to Rain Bird controller.
  4. Test controller by turning on watering at the timer and through the Rain Bird app.

For more detailed instructions, refer to the videos and manuals found at the top of the Support page.

When I send an invitation from my phone, the .rbcf invitation file will not attach to my email. How can I fix this?

If you are having problems with your unique email client accepting restricted file types, please try adjusting your email client file restriction settings, or try using the standard Apple or Android email clients.

Android Instructions: Navigate to “Lock screen and security” in the Settings menu.  Enable “Unknown Sources”.

Does the LNK WiFi module need to be set up again if I lose WiFi and/or power?

No, the LNK WiFi Module should reconnect to the local WiFi connection after losing, then regaining power or losing, then regaining WiFi service. A optional notification informs the owner when a connection is restored. If reconnection is not occurring, it is possible that the LNK is getting a weak WiFi signal. If this is suspected, checking the RSSI value in the App. If it is -70 or larger (-70’s, -80’s, -90’s) the Controller is too far away from the WiFi router.

During the provisioning process, after entering my WiFi SSID and password, I received a Communication Error, and I cannot complete setup. The LNK is blinking green indicating it is connected to WiFi. What is happening?

The App is designed to check that your LNK WiFi Module is successfully connected to your selected WiFi network by connecting your phone to the same network.  It is possible that your phone automatically reconnected to a different WiFi network than what you set up your LNK WiFi Module.  Try the following:

  1. When receiving an ‘setup unsuccessful’ message from the Setup Wizard, check to ensure your phone is connected to the same local WiFi network as your LNK WiFi Module and click “Retry”.
  2. Restart the setup process by pressing the button on your LNK WiFi module (flashes red and green) and go through the process again, this time ensuring that your phone reconnects to the same WiFi network as the LNK Module is set up for.

What can I do if I can’t see the LNK’s WiFi signal during setup?

First, ensure you are well within range of the controller itself.  If you are standing next to the controller and still do not see the controller’s wireless network, ensure the WiFi Module’s status indicator is alternating between Red and Green.  If it is not, briefly press the button on the WiFi Module.  Once the WiFi Module is alternating Red and Green, rescan for the network on your phone.  If this does not remedy, please disable and re-enable WiFi on your smart device; as occasionally smart devices scanning for WiFi networks need to be refreshed.

I’m a contractor who would like to manage controllers for my customers. How can I do it?

If you are an Irrigation Contractor you have the option to set up your customer’s LNK WiFi Modules on your device:

  1. On your company phone or tablet, you can provision the LNK WiFi Module directly to your customer’s WiFi network using your device, then provide an invitation to your customer to connect to the LNK WiFi Module using the envelope icon on the Rain Bird App primary screen. This requires that you have the equipment owner’s WiFi network credentials and that you set up the controller password.
  2. Alternatively, you can have your customer provision and set up the LNK WiFi on their device and send you an access invitation using the envelope icon on the Rain Bird App primary screen.
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Why does my controller run through all my zones, stop, and then start all over again?

You may have programmed multiple start times scheduled close together. Double check all of your start times and run times. If you have run times that amount to more watering time than the time between the start times, the watering program may begin again immediately after finishing.

Why is my controller not watering the run times I set the zones for?

This issue is likely caused by the seasonal adjust setting. Double check the setting in the App or at the controller. If the seasonal adjust is less than nominal, the run times will be shortened accordingly.

Why does my system still water even after turning the controller off?

If your controller is off and the water keeps running there is an issue with 1 or all the valves. When this happens it may be necessary to clean or replace a valve, or to call a contractor. For assistance in getting a contractor referral please call: 1-800-RainBird.

Why did my controller water after we had a big rainstorm if I have a LNK Module and/or a rain sensor connected?

Your LNK makes daily watering adjustments but does not prevent scheduled watering events, and it may take more than 24 hours for the seasonal adjustment values to reflect actual rainfall.

Your rain sensor does not prevent irrigation after a heavy rainfall, it could be that (1) Your rain sensor may be in an area where it is not exposed to the rain (2) Your rain sensor is set to ‘Bypass’ in the controller settings (3) Your (wireless) rain sensor needs battery replacement or has malfunctioned.

How do I back up and restore my Rain Bird App so I don’t lose my settings and connected irrigation controller(s)?

You can back up your Rain Bird app, controllers, and settings to Apple  iCloud and Google Cloud.

iOS:  Settings-> Select Apple ID -> iCloud -> iCloud Backup (On)

Android:  Settings -> Backups (name may vary on different devices) -> Backup (On)

(or) Drive (Google Drive App) -> Backups -> <Select device from list> -> Gear/Settings Icon -> Backup (On)

To restore your backed up phone with your Rain Bird App to a different phone, you should be using the same operating system.  Please check with your mobile device supplier to ensure that the device you want to restore to has the same operating system as the App was previously installed on.

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The weather shown is not accurate to where I am. What would cause this?

The weather in the app is based on the zip code set up for the timer. If you entered the zip code incorrectly, or are currently in a zip code that is different than then one at the timer, the weather may show what you expect. You can verify what zip code is set in the timer by tapping the controller card > Settings in bottom right > Controller info.

My weather info says “Unavailable”. Does that mean my controller is not working or connected?

Please be sure you have correctly entered your zip / postal code by navigating Settings-> Controller Information, and your LNK is connected to your WiFi network (blinking green light). If this information is correct, please wait 24 hours to allow the App to establish weather service.  If no weather data is available after 24 hours, please notify us at and provide us with your MAC address and postal code.

** Satellite Internet Service Providers may not allow support of weather info to the timer.

WiFi Connection

If I do not have a 2.4 GHz network available, what do I do?

The industry standard for the majority of WiFi router manufacturers maintain the capability to connect to a 2.4 GHz network directly upon powering up the router. If the router has both 2.4 and 5 GHz capability, then this will be viewable for the majority of routers in the WiFi network (SSID) name. The suffix of the network name should indicate whether it is 2.4 or 5 GHz.

In the event that a 2.4 GHz network is not available from your list of selectable networks, please refer to your router manual or IT specialist for further information.

Can I use a guest (unsecured) WiFi network to operate this product?

You are able to use any of the WiFi network connections, guest or otherwise, so long as they are Internet connected and are 2.4 GHz WiFi networks. The Rain Bird LNK WiFi Module will not connect to 5 GHz WiFi networks.

*Internet Connectivity is required for Rain Bird to provide firmware updates to your Rain Bird LNK WiFi Module in order to further ensure product stability.

*Internet Connectivity is required for access to your controller outside of your local WiFi network.

My WiFi signal strength is strong, I selected my WiFi network from the list, and I entered the correct password but it will not connect.

Double check the password is entered with the correct capitalization. There is a switch to see the entered password that can be used to verify this.

During WiFi Setup I am getting an error: “Please connect to the controller’s AP”

The mobile device is no longer connected to the Rain Bird network. Return to the WiFi mobile device settings and reconnect to the Rain Bird network. Then return to the Rain Bird app and verify the WiFi name and Password and tap “NEXT.”

What is the range of the LNK WiFi Module’s wireless signal?

The following table lists the typical expected operating range, which is dependent upon the connection mode:

Mode Indoor (feet)
802.11b 115
802.11g 125
802.11n 230

**WiFi range can be affected by materials in the range path, in particular dense materials.

What can I do if I can’t see the LNK WiFi Module’s wireless network?

First, ensure you are well within range of the controller itself.  If you are standing next to the controller and still do not see the LNK WiFi Module’s wireless network, ensure the LNK WiFi Module’s status indicator is alternating between Red and Green.  If it is not, press the button on the LNK WiFi Module for one second. 

Once the LNK WiFi Module is alternating Red and Green, rescan for the network.  If this does not remedy the situation, please disable and re-enable WiFi on your smart device, as occasionally smart devices scanning for WiFi networks need to be refreshed.

Can my phone access the controller if there is no internet in my wireless network?

Yes.  This system does not require the Internet to allow the mobile app to talk to the controller, if the controller and smart device running the Rain Bird App are on the same local WiFi network.  However, there are certain features (such as automatic daily seasonal adjust and notifications that originate from the Rain Bird server) that will not work unless an Internet connection is available.

Why won’t the LNK WiFi Module stay connected to my WiFi network?

This is most likely due to the controller being on the far range of the WiFi signal broadcasted by your home’s WiFi router.  The best way to check this is to open the Rain Bird mobile app when it is connected and select the controller from the list of available controllers.

Once you are inside the expanded controller view, you can select the tab with the icon showing a WiFi signal. If the signal strength indicator has very few bars, this confirms the controller is on the edge of the WiFi range.  If possible, move the controller closer to the WiFi router. If this is not possible due to wiring or its location outdoors, the next best option is to attempt to move your WiFi router closer to the controller.

If the controller is unable to communicate with your home WiFi router at all, place the LNK WiFi  Module in AP mode and connect your mobile device directly to the LNK WiFi  Module’s broadcasted AP signal (Network Name: “RainBirdXXXXXX” where XXXXXX is the last 6 digits of the LNK WiFi Module’s serial number found on the back of  the device).

I have a controller on the outside of my home and I can’t get the connection to my Rain Bird LNK WiFi Module to work. My WiFi network connects to my phone. What can I do?

Some homes, especially those with exterior brick walls, have very poor WiFi signal outside the home. Try moving the router and the timer closer together, or add a wireless signal repeater (also known as a booster or range extender).

Why can’t I access or find my controller when I am not on my local wireless network at home?

This can be caused by one of several reasons:

  1. The LNK WiFi Module is not connected to an Internet connection properly within your home WiFi network, or
  2. The LNK WiFi Module is unable to establish a connection with the Rain Bird server, or
  3. The mobile device’s Rain Bird App and your controller’s passcode do not match.
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