Help Articles Device Help LNK WiFi Module Communication Methods

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LNK WiFi Module Communication Methods

Rain Bird WiFi Controllers communicate in three different ways, as explained below. This is important to understand because the speed of the controller connection is affected by which method is being used. In general, the three methods are listed in order of fastest to least quick in connecting. The three methods are also listed in closest to potentially farthest in physical distance.


AP/HotSpot Mode: Sometimes referred to as Direct Access, the LNK WiFi Module in the Rain Bird controller emits its own wireless network for a mobile device to connect to.  Communication takes place directly from the mobile device to the Rain Bird controller. HotSpot Mode must be manually enabled by the user.


LAN (Local Area Network) Mode: The Rain Bird controller is connected to the property’s wireless network while the mobile device is connected to the same network.  The controller and mobile device communicate through the property’s router.  This connection is made automatically when the phone is connected to the same IP address.


Relay Mode:  The Rain Bird controller is connected to the user’s wireless network, while their mobile device is connected to a different wireless network or a cellular network.  In Relay Mode, the controller and mobile device communicate through a Rain Bird server online.  This connection is made automatically  when the phone is connected to a different IP address.

See the below article for help with LAN and Relay Mode connections.

Rain Bird WiFi controller connection troubleshooting

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