20KB ~ 150KB is typical for single session. Depending on duration of your connection and the number of setting changes, it could be higher.
Product Questions
How much data does my phone or tablet use when I use the Rain Bird App to adjust my irrigation controller?
How many zones can I connect to and maintain using the mobile application for Android / Apple?
The mobile application is capable of managing and monitoring all available zones that are programed into your existing controller. ST8-WIFI – maximum of 8 zones available ESP-TM2 – maximum of 12 zones available ESP-Me – maximum of 22 zones available ESP-RZXe (international only) – maximum of 8 zones available
Which irrigation controllers are compatible with the LNK WiFi Module?
ESP-Me Controller (November 2016 and later) ESP-Me (before November 2016) using the ESP-Me Panel Upgrade Kit ESP-TM2 Controller ESP-RZXe Controller (international only) ST8-WIFI
Is my controller compatible with other home automation devices?
This device is not currently compatible with any home automation systems.
Is it possible for me to access my controller through a desktop computer?
No. At this time, Rain Bird LNK WiFi-enabled controllers can only be accessed via the controller’s front panel and via the Rain Bird mobile app for iOS and Android devices.
Can I connect to my Rain Bird WiFi controller through an Ethernet cable?
This controller is only capable of connecting to a local area network via WiFi.
Will my App and controller ever be out of sync?
Each time a mobile device communicates with a Rain Bird controller, the mobile application will query the timer for all of its most up to date settings and display those in the mobile application. When the app is closed by pressing “Done” any changes made in the app are saved to the controller. If changes are […]
Why did my controller water after we had a big rainstorm if I have a rain sensor connected?
Your rain sensor may not be working for the following reasons: Your rain sensor may be in an area where it is not exposed to the rain AND/OR Make sure the rain sensor is set to Active (not Bypass) in the Rain Bird Mobile App.
Can I use a rain sensor with my controller?
Yes. All Rain Bird controllers have terminals for a rain sensor. Remove the yellow jumper wire from the terminals marked “SENS”. Connect both rain sensor wires to the rain sensor terminals per the rain sensor manufacturer’s instructions.
Does this product support a combination of turf, low-volume drip, vegetable garden zones, etc.?
Yes, this product can support any combination of zones configured for specific irrigation use. This product is not compatible with landscape lighting zones at this time.