Knowledge Center Scheduling

Rain Bird Underground Irrigation System Controllers and Daylight-Saving Time

Spring forward, fall back. Since the early 1900s, this expression has acted as a mnemonic device in the United States for remembering to turn one’s clocks one hour ahead in the spring for daylight-saving time, and back one hour in the fall at its end. But what does this have to do with your underground […]

Stopping Sprinklers from the Rain Bird App

To stop automatic watering: 1. Select the controller that is running from the main menu.  2. Press on the water drop icon in the bottom bar. Some controller models may look different, but all models have the water drop icon. 3. Press stop at the bottom of the manual watering screen. Different controller models may […]

Sprinkler Manual Watering

There are a few ways to turn on your sprinklers when they are not scheduled to run, called “manual” watering. 1. You can get to the manual water screen by selecting the “water drop” icon on the controller card in the Rain Bird App home screen, or by pressing the controller card and then pressing […]

Scheduling a Rain Bird WiFi Controller for Automatic Irrigation

After completing the setup process in the Rain Bird app with a WiFi controller a “Controller Card” will appear in the app. You will need to “tap” on the controller card in order to access the controller. Tap the pencil icons on the respective programs or zones to edit your controller’s irrigation schedules. You can […]

Max Zone Count per Controller

The Rain Bird mobile app is capable of managing and monitoring all available zones that are programmed into a Rain Bird WiFi controller. ST8-WIFI – Maximum of 8 zones. ESP-TM2 – Maximum of 4, 6, 8, or 12 zones. Whichever number of zones the controller comes with is the maximum number, there is no expansion […]