Help Articles Troubleshooting Backing up the Rain Bird App to Keep Connected WiFi Controllers

Topic(s): TroubleshootingConnectivity

Backing up the Rain Bird App to Keep Connected WiFi Controllers

You can back up your Rain Bird app, controllers, and settings to Apple  iCloud and Google Cloud.

iOS:  Settings-> Select Apple ID -> iCloud -> iCloud Backup (On)

Android:  Settings -> Backups (name may vary on different devices) -> Backup (On)

(or) Drive (Google Drive App) -> Backups -> <Select device from list> -> Gear/Settings Icon -> Backup (On)

To restore your backed up phone with your Rain Bird App to a different phone, you should be using the same operating system.  Please check with your mobile device supplier to ensure that the device you want to restore to has the same operating system as the App was previously installed on.

If you do not want to back up your controller to the phone backup cloud service, but would like access to the controller even after phone damage or failure, you can also send yourself a controller share invite. Keep the shared controller email in a place it can be retrieved later. For more information on sharing a controller refer to the article below.

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