Knowledge Center App Error Messages

Communication Error 077

This error is a server communication message. If you receive this error message while connecting to a Rain Bird controller please update your Rain Bird App to 2.14.1 or later. If you still have the issue after updating the Rain Bird app please contact Rain Bird Customer Service at 1-800-Rain-Bird or email the address presented […]

Flow Notifications

The ESP-ME3 controller uses flow-sensing technology to provide notifications to property owners when there is a system leak or water shortage. To turn on notifications in the Rain Bird App, go to the controller settings and turn on the notifications for High Flow Alarm and Low Flow Alarm. Once notifications are turned on, and a […]

Error: New Update Detected

If you get the “New Update Detected” message shown below, the LNK™ WiFi Module needs to be updated to work with the ESP-ME3 controller. Follow the steps below to complete this update.

Error: Lock Out

The controller password has been entered wrong more than 5 times.  This locks out access to controller settings and controller sharing for 20 minutes. If the password is forgotten please review this article:

Communication Error: Different model of controller

This error will be displayed if the LNK WiFi Module has been moved from one controller model type (e.g. ESP-ME) to a different model type (e.g. ESP-TM2) and you are trying to communicate with the new controller type using the previous controller card (linked to prior model) in the mobile app. If you move the LNK […]

Communication Error: No response

The app tried to connect to the Rain Bird WiFi controller, but the controller did not respond in the expected time. If your Rain Bird WiFi controller will not connect to your mobile device and the Rain Bird App is displaying “Communication Error”, it may be due to the following reasons: The Rain Bird WiFi […]

Communication Error: Active connection

If you receive this message when attempting to connect to the controller, and the WiFi module is still blinking green, then this means another smart device may be accessing the device, or you recently connected to the controller and it is still connected. Only one connection to a controller and a mobile device can be […]