Communication Error: Active connection

…blinking red persists you may want to evaluate the WiFi signal strength and take actions to improve it with a signal booster. The following articles may be helpful:…

Problems with Rain Bird Controller Email Invites – Android

For instructions on how to share access with others please click on this article: If you are using an Android device and having issues with Rain Bird controller email…

Using a Mobile Device as a Hotspot to Connect a WiFi Controller

…to a WiFi network, use the mobile device personal hotspot name and password. For additional information on setting up the Rain Bird WiFi module please click on this article:…

Rain Sensors and WiFi Controllers

…for the WR2-48 Rain Sensor for an automatic shut-off of scheduled watering for 48 hours after measured rain exceeds the set threshold. This guarantees enough dry time before resuming irrigation….

Watering Even After Turning the Controller Off

…it may be necessary to clean or replace a valve, or to call a contractor. For assistance in getting a contractor referral please call 1-800-RainBird or visit this page:…

Controller is Not Watering the Set Run Times

…the seasonally adjusted run times by program or by zone. Please click on the link below to learn more about the Seasonal Adjust Feature, including making seasonal adjustments automatic.…