Communication Error: No response

…article: Your virtual private network (VPN) is toggled “on” in the mobile device settings. You will want to verify that your virtual private network (VPN) is toggled “off” in…

Rain Bird WiFi Controllers Data Collection

Rain Bird WiFi does not collect personally identifiable information. Rain Bird WiFi controllers do collect the following key pieces of information that will allow it to function correctly: Event logs…

Delay Watering for Days

…are able to manually run a station(zone) or program (station and zone are often used interchangeably). This does not cancel the Delay Watering schedule. To cancel Delay Watering slide the…

Understanding Automatic Seasonal Adjust

…setting is represented as 0%. What happens if I have a non-existent WiFi signal and the Automatic Seasonal Adjust value? Should the controller get disconnected from the local WiFi network

All Zones Watering More Than They Should

…“OFF”. For some controllers this is done by pressing the “-” button until it reached 12:00 AM and then press “-” one more time. More information about programming controllers can…

Forgotten Controller Passwords

…press “Done” at the top right once the password is entered. STEP 6: Change your mobile device WiFi network back to the standard network with internet. METHOD 2: Delete the…

Power Outage and Controller Scheduling

…battery backup to keep the controller time for a couple of days. No watering happens if the controller does not have AC power and is only keeping the controller time….

ESP-ME3 Troubleshooting

…repeatedly short together the flow +/- terminals or wires that connected the flow sensor to the controller. Do this about once a second for 30 seconds. The controller should recognize…